September Time - Conference Time

Finally, EMBO Regeneration 2022 (which had been postponed twice!) took place just outside Barcelona. Two Edinburgh Becker Group members, Tom (on the left in the poster picture) and Lizi, presented their data on posters and Catherina gave a talk. Other CRTD PIs and postgrads also spoke of their fab regeneration research (see Max Yun below) and we had a fantastic outing to the Fabra Observatory overlooking Barcelona. Mark your calendars for the inaugural meeting of the International Society for Regenerative Biology (ISRB) to be held in Vienna, Austria, in early September 2023 and the next iteration of our EMBO Regeneration and Repair workshop to be held in Nice, France, likely in September 2024.


Poster Prize at the Life Science Campus Summer Conference!


Zebrafish at the Long Night of Science!